Monday, December 16, 2019
The Role Of The Juvenile Delinquent - 1942 Words
POPULAR CINEMA ESSAY - word count - 2035 Analyse and critically discuss the role of the ‘juvenile delinquent’ in any two teen films screened in the course. You must consider the impact of relevant industrial, economic and cultural factors. INTRO The juvenile delinquent or (JD) films, as which they have came to be better known as, started as a movie cycle and was very characteristic of hollywood in its prime. Looking back at another cycle which can be seen as similar and a precursor, both in the approach of the overall approach and the themes of the films would be the gangster films of the 1930s. These movies saw successful breakthrough in the box office and from this box office success saw a increase and spawn in countless†¦show more content†¦The initial idea started around the fact that the younger generation is out of control and is often seen as a controversial statement that this was evidence of claims about moral and cultural decline. Young people became increasingly troubled and worried which led to the adolescence life stage being classified and a period of fragility, vulnerability and risk. Although there is a long history of younger kids and teenagers committing crimes the term we come to know as juvenile delinquent only really came about and entered public debate in the post war period, it was around this time it came to be defined as specific and new social concern. As well as the uprise of the JD in the hollywood films there was continued concern about the dangers of young viewer identifying with the the JD characters. It was also around this time into the early 1950s that the industry face a much more fundamental problem. Before the 1950s, the hollywood cinema in general had been a mass medium which saw going to see a movie as a intergenerational experience, in which whole families would go attending together as a past time. As the 1950s progressed this bean to change, with the introduction of television coming in as well as other changed themselves within the industry, the hollywood industry realised that they were targeting an audience that no longer was going out to see movies. With this they decided to focus and target the moreShow MoreRelatedThe Lack of Strong Parental Figur es Causes Juvenile Delinquency954 Words  | 4 PagesLack of Strong Parental Figures Causes Juvenile Delinquency Imagine a thirteen-year-old boy living with his mother. His parents have been divorced since he was four-years-old. He has never really known his father and therefore uses his friends for his male role models. His mother has to work two jobs to support her family and is therefore not there to spend much time with her child. This is the type of child that is normally delinquent. 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