Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay about Relationships, Racism, and Drama in August...
In August Wilson’s Fences, relationships were a big part of the story because every character had a different kind of relationship with each other. Troy had a relationship with every character in the play and it was not the same kind of relationship. Troy Have a complicated relationship with every character in the play because troy character is difficult and it cause conflicts with everyone character in Fences (Blumenthal). Troy has a personal relationship with his self and it was kind of a fictitious relationship but to Troy it was realer than anything in his life. Troy was a denial type a person so he really disagreed with others wisdom and advice and stuck to his on philosophy. He had a rough life growing up his family history in the†¦show more content†¦Troy says, â€Å"I told that boy about that football stuff. The white man aint gonna let him get nowhere with that football†(Wilson 8). Troy blames racism for holding him back from achieving his dream of playing major league baseball (Koprince). Troy has a really painful past and he experienced so much negativity, anger, hatred and other obstacles that he would not really let his family get close to him. Troy past left him scarred he did not let anyone get close to him he built a fence of misery and anger around himself to keep him from being hurt by anything else. While Troy was being stubborn and stuck in the fence his family loves starts slipping away because his protection from his past is stronger than love itself. Cory has a chance at a football scholarship but Troy did not think that will be a good idea and he denies Cory opportunity only because of jealousy and protection. Troy denied Cory opportunity because his son had a opportunity to achieve what he could not. He did not want Cory to have to deal with racism that he faced also so he tried to keep Cory away from it. Cory is hurt that his father kept him away from his dream, and all the love he has for his father turned in to hatred (Anderson). Cory and Troy got into a physical fight and things got really out of hand and Cory left home and went about his lifeShow MoreRelatedThe Life of August Wilson Essay1193 Words  | 5 Pages Drama is about bringing reality to life through acting and interpretation. August Wilson wrote the play Fences about his life: the heartbreaking reality of racism in his own life and the struggles he faced to overcome it. He had a hard childhood and career due to prejudice and fatherly abandonment, and he reflected that through his works of African American drama. Wilson uses the character of Troy, his family, and his friends in Fences to pour out his life, his hardship, and the horrifyingRead MoreFences: White People and Troy Essay1719 Words  | 7 PagesAnalysis of â€Å"Fences†August Wilson’s famous play â€Å"Fences†is a drama set in the 1950’s. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Role Of The Juvenile Delinquent - 1942 Words
POPULAR CINEMA ESSAY - word count - 2035 Analyse and critically discuss the role of the ‘juvenile delinquent’ in any two teen films screened in the course. You must consider the impact of relevant industrial, economic and cultural factors. INTRO The juvenile delinquent or (JD) films, as which they have came to be better known as, started as a movie cycle and was very characteristic of hollywood in its prime. Looking back at another cycle which can be seen as similar and a precursor, both in the approach of the overall approach and the themes of the films would be the gangster films of the 1930s. These movies saw successful breakthrough in the box office and from this box office success saw a increase and spawn in countless†¦show more content†¦The initial idea started around the fact that the younger generation is out of control and is often seen as a controversial statement that this was evidence of claims about moral and cultural decline. Young people became increasingly troubled and worried which led to the adolescence life stage being classified and a period of fragility, vulnerability and risk. Although there is a long history of younger kids and teenagers committing crimes the term we come to know as juvenile delinquent only really came about and entered public debate in the post war period, it was around this time it came to be defined as specific and new social concern. As well as the uprise of the JD in the hollywood films there was continued concern about the dangers of young viewer identifying with the the JD characters. It was also around this time into the early 1950s that the industry face a much more fundamental problem. Before the 1950s, the hollywood cinema in general had been a mass medium which saw going to see a movie as a intergenerational experience, in which whole families would go attending together as a past time. As the 1950s progressed this bean to change, with the introduction of television coming in as well as other changed themselves within the industry, the hollywood industry realised that they were targeting an audience that no longer was going out to see movies. With this they decided to focus and target the moreShow MoreRelatedThe Lack of Strong Parental Figur es Causes Juvenile Delinquency954 Words  | 4 PagesLack of Strong Parental Figures Causes Juvenile Delinquency Imagine a thirteen-year-old boy living with his mother. His parents have been divorced since he was four-years-old. He has never really known his father and therefore uses his friends for his male role models. His mother has to work two jobs to support her family and is therefore not there to spend much time with her child. This is the type of child that is normally delinquent. Add to this scenario a group of teenageRead MoreIntroduction: There are many theories that attempt to explain the phenomenon of juvenile1000 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: There are many theories that attempt to explain the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency and the factors that cause it. There is, and has been, a great amount of young people who engage in delinquent behavior throughout the nation and worldwide. What exactly is the catalyst that incites these young people to commit crime and stray from the ethical norm established in society? Are all youth susceptible to the temptation of deviant behavior or is it just some? Theories suggest differentRead MoreBreaking Down the Walls of Delinquency1685 Words  | 7 Pagestoday’s society if more and more children are committing delinquent crimes. Sometimes a researcher has to get to what he or she thinks is the root of the problem to figure out what spawns a certain issue. 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They are those minors that have committed some type of act that violates the law. Juveniles are not given the same sentences as adults when it comes to the punishment part. The argument for juvenile delinquents is, if they are born evil or is it part of the environment and or society. Are juveniles who commit a crime really naturally evil as many suggest, or are they their own products of the envir onment/society they live in?Read MoreEssay about Why Do Juveniles Do Bad Things?842 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many individual-level variables that can explain why juveniles become involved in delinquent acts. One important variable that plays a major role in this is the major affect that family context has on the role of child development. More specifically, the idea of child abuse comes into play that has always been researched and focused on as a major part as to why some juveniles become involved in delinquent acts. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
A Case Study Of Management Communication - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the A Case Study Of Management Communication. Answer: To: Lana Strydon, Head Digital Marketing and Media, FNB From: Date: Re: Analysis of the management of the social media strategy. The purpose of this memorandum is to analyze the management of the social media strategy of the First National Bank, South Africa. Ways in which FNB has used the social and the digital media to engage with customers. FNB had ventured initially into the social media in the year 2004. The management decided on the social media to be an area that could be used to promote the services offered by the financial institution and communicate better with the clients and employees. This decision was taken by the company due to the fact that a huge population of the country has been observed to be increasingly active on the social media thereby making it a huge pool of resources for the company to explore. The management of the company introduced a eWallet game on the social media handle of FNB on Facebook (Mazinter et al 2015). This game was introduced in order to create market awareness about the product as well as educate the existing customers of the financial institution regarding the functionality of the service. The bank also introduced the policies that stated the presence of the customer service executives who wou ld be responding to the clients and their complaints on the social media at all given points of time. Benefits of FNB on the investment in the social media strategies. The First National Bank, one of the oldest banks of South Africa, had introduced itself to social media in the year 2004 (Mazinter et al 2015). It had been catering to its client base over social media since its initial steps to the social media handles. The financial organization has benefitted greatly from the social media interactions. The introduction of the eWallet game over the social media handle of the financial institution on Facebook had led to the improvement of the interactions between the clients of the bank and the concerned officials of the bank. The game had promoted the education of the customers on the issue of the workings of the product. This had also helped in the creation of the market awareness of the products and the benefits that they offer. The game had contributed a huge deal towards the revenues that have been earned by the financial institutions. The head of the digital marketing and media of the social media strategy of the company, Lana Strydon, had suggested a strategic move on the part of the financial organization that led the financial institution to focus more on the quality of the services that they offer. The digital media and marketing head had opined that the chances of the widespread reaches of the financial organization get higher with the increase in the activities of the financial organization. Lessons that FNB might learn about the development and the implementation of the social media strategies. The development and the implementation of the social media strategies of the bank has resulted in the increase of the number of the clients of the financial organization. The implementation of the social media strategies by the banks had led to the increase in the customer base of the financial organization. The social media strategies that were implemented by the financial organization had also led to the increase in the transactional volumes of the financial institution. The bank has faced the increment of the client base which was observed to be a high 30% by June 2012 (Mazinter et al 2015). These customers mainly used to the online banking services of the company. FNB had been one of the leading banks in the country that provide its customers with the facility of the internet banking. The eWallet game that had been introduced by the company had also led to the increment in t he number of the transactions in the bank. The game had led to the contribution of 30000 new transactions to the eWallet product that had been introduced by the financial institutions to their customers. Important factors pertaining to the usage of the social media for customer communication. There have been many factors that should be taken into consideration by an organization while communicating with their clients over the social media handles which may lead to the improvement of the experiences of the concerned client of the bank. The company must develop a well-defined response strategy towards the handling of the concerns and the complaints that are raised by the clients of the firm (Chanda and Zaorski 2013). The company needs to make sure that the desires of the clients of the company are addressed. This helps the company to attract the potential clients. The usage of the social media helps the company to build up relationships with their clients by interacting with them on a regular basis (Gu and Ye 2014). The executives involved with the social media handles of the given company should be able to handle the customers who have been complaining vehemently regarding any dissat isfaction that they might have faced. The financial institutions might offer their clients with some discounts over the online transactions that they might undertake. The most important factor that needs to be addressed by the executives dealing with the social media handles is the response to the emails, tweets and calls of the customers (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis 2014). The executives must revert to the posts of the clients of the financial institutions over the social media in a regular and timely manner. The social media has, in modern times become a very effective means of communication between the clients of a business organization and the officials of the concerned organization. The companies that have been operating within the industries in the modern times deal with the interactions that they have with the respective clients over the various social media handles over which they do operate. The experts in the field of customer handling might suggest a few ways to deal with the complaints and the comments that the clients might provide over the various social media that is available to them. The executives employed for dealing with the customer are advised to monitor all the social handles of the concerned company. They are also advised to scrutinize the other websites that the customers might be using for commenting on the services that they have been offered by the concerned business organizations. According to the experts, the concerned executive should be able to identify the issues that might justly demand a response (Tiago and Verssimo 2014). The executive handling the concerned situation must be able to respond quickly to the complaints or the comments that have been registered by the client. A longer wait might lead the concerned client to get more irked leading to a more negative review of the concerned company. The executives dealing with the concerned clients are advised to converse with the clients empathetically and must use a harmonious tone while conversing with the concerned client. The executives dealing with the clients are always advised to convey a real apology towards the clients which might lead the client to mellow down on the complaints. The clients are observed to appreciate more if they are offered a fixation of the problem that had occurred in the first place. The organization might face a return of the same client if the complaints and the concerns of the client are addressed to in a proper manner. The executive are always advised to keep the conversation that they have with the client publicly available as that might lead the concerned business organization to attract the clients based on the after-sales services that they offer to the customers. This might in turn help the company to earn the required good will (Shammout and Haddad 2014). References Chanda, R. and Zaorski, S., 2013. Social media usage in the financial services industry: Toward a business-driven compliance approach.Journal of Taxation and Regulation of Financial Institutions,26(5), pp.5-20. Gu, B. and Ye, Q., 2014. First step in social media: Measuring the influence of online management responses on customer satisfaction.Production and Operations Management,23(4), pp.570-582. Mazinter,L.,Kleyn,N.,Goldman,M.,and Lindsey-Renton,J.2015,Banking on Social Media (A),Gordon Institute of Business Science: University of Pretoria,28(1),pp. 1-11. Shammout, M.Z. and Haddad, S.I., 2014. The Impact of Complaints' Handling on Customers' Satisfaction: Empirical Study on Commercial Banks' Clients in Jordan.International Business Research,7(11), p.203. Tiago, M.T.P.M.B. and Verssimo, J.M.C., 2014. Digital marketing and social media: Why bother?.Business Horizons,57(6), pp.703-708. Tsimonis, G. and Dimitriadis, S., 2014. Brand strategies in social media.Marketing Intelligence Planning,32(3), pp.328-344.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Thevenin equivalent resistance Essay Example
The Thevenin equivalent resistance Paper When using a voltage or current that varies, certain components that would not work with a direct current become functional. The capacitor is this type of component. It is made up of two conducting pieces of material that are a small distance apart and are separated by an insulator (or dielectric). The following experiments will show the way in which the capacitor works when placed in a working circuit in different combinations with a resistor. They will show how the time constant can be calculated experimentally as well as theoretically. One of the most underlying laws when dealing with electronics, which was introduced by Georg Ohm in 1821 [Gough], is Ohms Law. These experiments will validate this law. It will also investigate how the characteristics of a circuit may change when introducing resistors in parallel or series and as a result, verify the voltage divider rule. They will look at voltage drops around complete loops and how by manipulating a circuit can be used to make complex networks simpler, thereby validating Kirchoffs Voltage and Current Laws, and Thevenins Theorem. The Wheatstone bridge circuit was developed in 1843 by Charles Wheatstone in order to determine the values of unknown resistances [Gough], This will be investigated to check the validity of the Wheatstone bridge theory and prove its usefulness. Theory Experiment P-IE-R-1 (Ohms Law) Ohms Law indicates that the current through a conductor is proportional to the difference in potential between its ends. This, in equation form, is shown by V=I R (V is potential difference, I is the current and R is the constant of proportionality, or resistance). We will write a custom essay sample on The Thevenin equivalent resistance specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Thevenin equivalent resistance specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Thevenin equivalent resistance specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So if a current is passed through a circuit with an unknown resistance, this resistance can be calculated by plotting a graph of voltage against current. This should produce a straight line with a slope equalling the value of R. Experiment P-IE-R-2 (Resistor Networks) If a number of components are connected so that the current through each of them is equal then they are connected in series. So if you have two resistors connected in series, as shown below in Figure 1, then V1 = R1 I and V2 = R2 I. If you total all the separate potential differences around the circuit in Figure 1, then the sum will be 0, this is true for any complete loop in a circuit. It is known as Kirchoffs Voltage Law. As a result of this, each value of resistance can be combined to give an equivalent resistance, referred to as Req, this has no effect on the characteristics of the circuit. However, the components within a circuit can be connected up so that the potential difference across each of them is identical. This is a parallel connection. The two resistors in Figure 2 show components in parallel. The current of each is given as I1 = V/R1 and I2 = V/R2. As charge is conserved, it can be said the amount of current going into a node is equal to the total amount that leaves it, i. e. the sum of the currents is 0 (This is known as Kirchoffs current law). Therefore, the amount of current that passes through the two resistors in Figure 2 has to be equal to the current that is generated by the supply. It can be expressed as I = I1 + I2. By manipulating this equation and applying Ohms law, the equivalent resistance of the circuit can be calculated using the following equation 1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2. But when there are only two resistors it can be written as Req = R1 R2 / (R1 + R2), this is known as the product over the sum rule. Experiment P-IE-R-3 (Kirchoffs Laws and Thevenin Resistor Networks) Kirchoffs Laws: As mentioned above, Kirchoffs Voltage Law is defined as The algebraic sum of the potential differences around any complete loop of a circuit is zero [Gough]. Therefore if you refer to Figure 1, V = V1 + V2. But as Figure 2 indicates, current flows into the positive side of a resistor but at the same time out of the positive terminal of an emf source. As a result potential difference can be called the Voltage Drop. Also mentioned above, Kirchoffs current law can be defined as the algebraic sum of the currents into any node is zero [Gough]. So where three or more conductors connect the total current through the node will equal the current from the supply. Referring back to Figure 2, this can be shown by writing I = I1 + I2. Thevenins Theorem Thevenins Theorem can be defined as any network of resistors and batteries having two terminals is equivalent, as far as its terminal behaviour is concerned, to the series combination of a resistor and a DC voltage supply. [Gough] With a Voltage divider (Figure 3), by moving the switch to certain possible connections, different fractions of the supply can be created at the output. So if the switch is connected to the point B as shown, the output voltage can be obtained using the formula Vout = I R3. The current can be calculated by first working out the total resistance of the circuit and then by using Ohms law. If a load resistance is put across the output terminals as shown in Figure 3, then the current in the circuit will no longer be the same. The new value for the current will now be obtainable by using the formula I = V (R3 + RL)/ RL (R1 + R2 + R3) + (R1 + R2) R3. If a load is connected across Vout, then the current through the load resistance will be given by IL = Vout/RL. This shows that by using a combination of Ohms law and Kirchoffs Current and Voltage Laws, more complex circuits can be analysed faster and more easily. Experiment P-IE-R-4 (The Wheatstone Bridge) As Figure 4 shows the unknown resistor is R4, the other resistances, apart from R5, are known and can be a combination of different values. This circuit works by varying the resistance of R1, R2 and R3 so that the current through R5 is equal to zero. When the circuit is in this situation the bridge is known to be balanced. The value of the unknown resistor can then be worked out by using the values of the now known resistors. By using Thevenins theorem the current through R5 can be found by changing the rest of the circuit to its Thevenins equivalent, this gives the circuit shown in Figure 5. The Thevenin equivalent resistance (RT) across DB is ascertained by connecting these two parallel resistor combinations across R5, giving the Formula: RT = (R1 R3/ R1 + R3) + (R2 R4 / R2 + R4) The Thevenin equivalent voltage is determined by measuring the potential difference between the points D and B without R5 connected. As there are two parallel combinations of resistors, the voltage through each of them will be equal. This Voltage will be equal to the one that is driving the circuit, i. e. V, therefore the equivalent Thevenin Voltage can be obtained by using the formula VT = VDB = V [(R1 / {R1 + R3}) (R2 / {R2 + R4})] So I5 can be worked out using the Thevenin equivalent Voltage and resistance along with R5. The bridge is balanced when VT is equal to zero.
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